London Ambulance Service Charity Challenge Badge We are excited to launch the London Ambulance Service Charity Challenge badge. The badge is designed to give young people a greater understanding of the ambulance service whilst developing essential and potentially life saving skills. It is a fantastic opportunity for them to learn, grow and contribute to their local community. The money you raise will help to fund staff and volunteer wellbeing initiatives, and life-saving campaigns like London Lifesavers. All youth groups can take part – including, but not limited to, The Scouts, Girlguiding and Cadets groups, with activities suitable from 4 – 18 years. The badge is divided into five main sections: First Aid, The LAS, Wellbeing, Shared Values and Fundraising. Every young person must complete one activity from each section. Then, depending on their age, they will complete a number of additional activities from any section. Every activity can be easily adapted to meet the unique needs and abilities of your young people. Download your pack today Explore the 5 main sections of the badge First Aid This section consists of various skills to help young people effectively access the correct help for their emergency. Many components of this section also feed into youth group First Aid badges The LAS Here, the young people will learn about their ambulance service, which works around the clock as the UK’s biggest ambulance service to provide London and its many visitors with outstanding urgent and emergency care. They will also have the opportunity to explore various career opportunities within the service, from paramedics to support roles, inspiring them to consider a future in healthcare Wellbeing In this fast-paced city, young people must have the skills to enable them to slow down and take care of their health. This section presents them with a number of techniques they can utilise to help them do this, promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Shared Values Our values help to define us and in this section, we will learn about the values that unite us. It explores some of the core values of the London Ambulance Service and the London Ambulance Charity, which your group may find inspiring and reflective of their own principles. Fundraising Wrap up your journey by fundraising for the London Ambulance Charity. There are lots of fun and creative options to choose from, and you can also use a combination of activities if you’d like. Don’t worry if you can’t reach the fundraising target, get in touch and we’ll provide you with an alternative way to get the badges. Manage Cookie Preferences